A Haven for the elderly
A healthy active aging lifestyle
There is a saying 'prevention is better than cure'. In Farmily, we give you every reason why elderly should work here.
- Organic vegetables
- Waking up and turning in early habit
- Working in the earlier morning sun (6am - 10 am outdoor);
- 2rd year : Vocational training (Handicraft - weaving, paperbag making, braiding, etc)
Physical & Psychological Wellbeing
we takes an approach which promotes wellbeing in the body and the mind of our employees.
We provides :
- A pathway for personal development and a significant earning opportunity
- An opportunity to develop and utilize their talents and skills putting it to be recognized and rewarded for.
Dignity at work
How can we offer the elderly people a purposeful and diginifying job?
Age Friendly Workspace
Prevention of ill health & Rehabilitation
- Osteoporosis has been described as the 'silent epidemic', casuing the loss of bone tissue resulting in the thinning and weakening of bones, is one of the most important age-related diseases and causes of disability.
Preventative Action
- Attention to diet and exercise in early life and the avoidance of smoking.